Won by Competition
Cost: CYP ₤ 7,000,000 (€ 11,900,000)
Date of Completion: September 2008
Client: Cyprus Government
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
These headquarters sit proudly at the top of a hill in the city. Three strips which separate different functions of the team are connected through a series of bridges. The main hub is the central strip where a glass atrium houses the entrance and a meeting point/cafeteria below.
The direction of the strips, which run W-E, and the distance at which they are set apart means the strong morning summer sun is minimized though the winter midday sun can seep through. Further shading is achieved through the planted roof gardens above the west facing entrance which dissipate direct sunlight into the building. A planted garden to comes on through the gaps further maximizing the cooling effect necessary in 40+ degree heat.